"I am a free artist
For me Fashion is an image
with symbolic influences in space
inscription. My look is quiet and transparent ...
I love classical poetry (Mallarmé & F. Villon).
I hate people who invest
in a look in an arrogant way. My message to the
world: Be simple and learn more how to make love !"
I wear a vintage jacket by CACHAREL
Basic Sailor top
Vintage LEVI'S pants
my belt is a vintage tie by HERMES
Black Mocassins
Perfume "Terre d'Hermès" on the neck
"Eau d'Hermès" on the body
These are great photos for different reasons. Love the first as it is such an excellent close up portrait. But the second is great because of the background too, especially the reflections.
Thak you so much
But I just change the order
J'ai un peu d'envy de ses cheveux... :)
very intense guy. You have captured him perfectely.
But he needs someone to help finding good shoes. Those are just ewww.
Photographe au flegme frais et souriant. Félicitation pour ce site de streetyle où l'interview résume subtilement l'humeur du jour et pour ces photos choisies à la colorimétrie suave. Ps: quant au tourlourou qui cherche vétille pour mes petits mocassins je l'enquiquine. ;) bonne journée. François.
Pas de doute
tu es bien un poète
"colorimétrie suave"
jamais je n'aurais pensé à cela sous cet angle
Merci en tout cas
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