Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fashion Poussin - Opéra - Paris

hebergeur image
   Fashion Poussin - Opéra - Paris
   Photo by Easy Fashion Fred


Anonymous said...

This coat is amazing! Really like the shape!



Lauren@Styleseer said...

Easter outfit?

Unknown said...

WoooWW!! J'adore ton blog! C'est toi qui prends toutes ces photos? Épatant!!

Green is beautiful said...

So cute ce petit poussin, je savais que Paris regorgeais de surprise et d'extravagants, mais là mention spéciale pr le poussin de pâques ;-)

Musette said...

I love that the coat and shoes match - very ladylike (that is a compliment)


Anonymous said...

Big bird!

The Pink Flamingo said...

Very very nice coat!!! I love it!!

Lonley Swan said...

Find the difference:

http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1243&bih=600&tbm=isch&tbnid=vQlpDtIHOwo8CM:&imgrefurl=http://cheezburger.com/TemplateView.aspx%3Fciid%3D5114396&docid=gIeGlHX9ehsI9M&imgurl=http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/8/31/128962544875001743.jpg&w=450&h=551&ei=FjWMT5rFFsj28gOlzIC4CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=613&sig=107958270978246274630&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw=92&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0,i:135&tx=55&ty=69 ??:)))

Mileide Almeida said...

amazing yellow!! =)

Lavieenrouge said...

il faut assumer ce manteau.Ce sont les shoes qui font que ce look est élégant. Sinon ça passe et ça casse.

Beatrice Gutu said...

All in yellow!Great!


stella said...

Vivetta yellow faux fur coat! <3

Anonymous said...

j'ai décidément pas les mêmes goûts que les internautes, j'aime pas du tout ce jaune poussin.

Christian Louboutin said...

Love the steel toe flat shoes !

The Styleograph said...

oh the Outfits of Eleonora Carisi are allways great and inspirational. I love to shoot her!

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