" ... I work as Sales Assistant at American Apparel
Store. In Fashion, I like the mix of styles. I love Music,
playing guitar and eating all kinds of food. I hate when
somebody wants to buy my jacket in the street. My
message to the world: freedom ! ..."

I wear a vintage Jacket
Dancing shoes by American Apparel
Carrot Pants by AA
Belt and Croptop by AA
Socks from Auchan
Perfume: Vanilla by Y.Rocher
She looks extraordinary.
Wicked shoes.
elle est magnifique et a énormément de charme ! xx
Her hair is definitely the ultimate accessory. It's the grey sharp suite and the (slightly) mad red hair. The contrast is spectacular. :)
Great style!!
I love pictures in front of colorful doors!
Her hair totally makes the outfit!
Thanks for all your comments
very kind of you !
Yeah Coralie! Superbe :)
She's incredible looking!
Great style, elle est sublime cette lady !
i love ist, the girl, the outfit...everything!
beautiful sick as hair!
and she rocks this style perfectly
she looks gorgeous! wonderful hear! and very cool picture with this blue background!
Thank to you all !
That's very kind of you !
Quelle chevelure ! J'adore ! Et son style est tout ce que j'aime en ce moment. Merci pour ce très beau shooting.
Merci Elsa
i am in love with her face and hair!!
OH LA LA Je l'ai vue à American Apparel, et je me suis dit qu'elle était l'une des plus belles femmes du monde.
Wow. One of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Great photos!
j'ai beau chercher, je ne trouve aucun mot pour qualifier la magnificence de cette fille!
elle à une beauté peu commune!
j'aimerai avoir ses cheveux, j'ai beau permanenter, je n'aurais jamais au grand jamais de volume!
je veux voir plus de photos de cette filleuuuuuh!
great outfit.I love the look
of the white socks with those shoes
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