"I am a stylist for TV
Fashion means plenty and nothing at the same time ...
Look ? I never ask me that question
I hate lies. I love foie gras !..."

Coat: Ungaro (prototype Orange Line)
Boots: Kurt Jeager
Jeans: grey Slim
Sweater: Sinequanone
Scarf: Cashmere Thierry Mugler
Perfume: never
I love her orange long coat! Very outstanding!
j'adore ce naturel rehaussé par ce superbe manteau.
Carine n'est pas styliste pour rien : le mix vermillon et gris est parfait. J'aime aussi beaucoup les salomés. Et je constate que le fond de la photo est assorti à la dentelle lavande. Bien joué.
Carine n'est pas styliste pour rien : le mix vermillon et gris est parfait. J'aime aussi beaucoup les salomés. Et je constate que le fond de la photo est assorti à la dentelle lavande. Bien joué.
I love the contrast between her beautiful mahogany skin and the bright jacket. it's magnificent, absolutely stunning.
The coat is WOW. And I like the color of her bra. If that her bra? Is she showing it on purpose? Probably.
--Megan//The Martian Tide
Amazing colour - she looks fabulous!
She is lovely - so confident-looking! And that coat is KILLAH!!!!
ps. as always, Fred, thanks for the wonderful glimpse into Paris fashion!
wow!amazing colors!!!
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click on www.neovecchiostile.it
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love this look
Red is beautiful!!
Street Style by Stela
She reminds me on Macy Gray (the singer) :)
Such a lovely violet detail :)
That is such a beautiful coat! Love it!
xoxo Ava
This coat is gorgeous!
I really like this picture. The beautiful woman exudes so much confidence and positive energy, I could not help but smile.
Her red coat reflects her bold and adventurous spirit! I like how her purple lacy bra peeks out in the first picture. Sexy and classy! :D
Thank you Nem-nem !
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